Underground as F*ck
When we say we’re underground/indie, I don’t think you all really understand how precise that description is.
I’ll make this short and then get to the pictures. But first I want to give a hearty THANK YOU to everyone who attended our basement show last night and to everyone who helped make this show such a great success. I was incredibly nervous about this show which is abnormal. I never threw a show like this. It’s something we had to build from the bottom up. Handling everything from sound system, door charge, stage construction, performance times, store management….I mean…EVERYTHING. And it all went off without a hitch which felt like something of a small miracle. The crowd was great, the performances were great, and everyone helped out where need be (right down to our girlfriends picking up the slack wherever necessary.) The sound was great. The venue (our office space in Pawtucket, RI) worked out really well. The crowd was respectful and supportive. Bam, bam, bam…awesomeness.
Massive ups to B. Dolan, Prayers for Atheists, Prolyphic, Shane Hall, Ryan G., Storm, Erich, and The Grant building for letting us throw our basement show. All photos by Amanda Goss.

Cross Colors hats are making a come back.

Sage Francis and B. Dolan discuss chubby bumble bees.

Prolyphic takes the floor

Prolyphic applies ear plugs in the SFR office

Prayers for Atheists

Jared Paul and Cousin Tom from PFA

B. Dolan looms over the crowd and crushes JT's adam's apple.

Shane Hall

Storm Davis and Prolyphic

RI love. Thank you once again.
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Karm says
albinored says
Sage Francis scene:
Jared Paul says
skobie won says
underground as f*ck
As soon as humanly possible.